We all know the iconic scene in the Matrix when Morpheus give Neo two options that come in the form of pills. The blue pill would allow him to go back to his mediocre life, while the red pill would cause him to experience the deeper level of their reality.
In class on Tuesday, we went over Acts 16. This is the chapter which accounts Paul and Silas in jail. Pastor David Sell said something profound that struck my heart. He said, "In our darkest hour our reflex is to either complain or worship." It blew me away. I saw the Matrix scene in my head and imagined sitting in Neo's chair, while God gave me the ultimatum. When we are faced with a dark time in our lives, we have two choices. We can look at the surface level and choose to complain, never doing anything about it, or we can chose to go to a deeper level spiritually through worship and experience a breakthrough. The way we choose to act in the situation drastically effects the outcome.
Acts 16 took a whole new perspective for me.We hear this story all the time, but we need to take a step back and imagine the scene. These two men were in the inner part of the jail. Their feet were in blocks and their hands chained to the wall. They were far from comfortable. Its midnight, meaning it was literally pitch black. They were just beaten with rods and were hungry, thirsty and tired. In this very state, they began to praise God. They exalted Him. And when they did this, God's power came down on them so great that the earth began to shake and they were freed.
In your time of darkness, don't you want God's power to overcome the situation? I know I do. So next time we are faced with the reality of our sickness (or any dark situation in life), remember that we have two choices. We can either complain, which does nothing but keep us at the surface level, or we can lift up our most powerful and faithful God. We can give Him glory for everything He has done in our lives so far. We can thank Him for the gift of eternal life. Because our time of praise is when God's power is gonna come down.
Today I pray that in your sickness, you find the strength to give God praise. I pray that we stop the attitude of complaining and thank God for everything He has done for us. He has given you the miracle of today. And He has given you a hope and a future. I also pray that as you praise our Heavenly Father, that miracles and breakthrough will come down no matter how big or small. He is always faithful, so lets praise Him for that.
With love and hope,
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