Monday, November 5, 2012

Even If

Heavenly Father,
Today I pray for faith to fall upon the sick. I pray for strength upon us. I pray that You give us a renewed mind, knowing that You are God. I pray that Your love will overflow our hearts. I pray for miracles to be released. I pray for the power within us to continue to fight. Allow us to trust You and Your ways. Help us to not question Your path for us. But most of all, I pray that we can look at our lives and know that You are good. I pray that in times of weakness, we praise You. But most of all, I pray that if healing does not come the way we want them to, we will remember that You are always good. You are God. We praise You for this. Guard us and give us peace.

I love you so much,

Every day is a miracle. God is working through your life every day. I pray that in your journey, you can remember that He is the Healer, He is All Powerful. In your moments of waiting for your miracle, know that God is still good. And we are to praise Him till the very end. So lets praise Him. Lets fight and stand strong as we hold on to His promises for our lives.

This song touched me today. I pray you listen to it and I pray it becomes your heart as well.
With hope and love,

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