Monday, November 12, 2012

To Be or Not To Be, That is The Question.

"I wonder if David ever felt like giving up" These were the first thoughts that came into my head as I woke up this morning. For the past month I have been reading about the life of king David. I think that it's cool that there are two books written about him in the Bible, and then books written from him to God. It's like you can read his mind and heart as you read through his story.

Although he became known as the king after God's own heart, he started off as a young boy with a calling. As he grew, he had to flee just to save his life. I am sure the time between killing the giant and becoming king really made him question his calling. Why would the future king of Israel have to hide in the wilderness? He went from having favor with the king, living in the palace with a really sweet job, to fleeing for his life in the wilderness.

In this time, I wonder if David ever thought about giving up. I wonder if he ever woke up feeling the way I feel. I am sure we all go through this thought process. The truth is, even right now, I have to take steps back from typing, because I want to throw up. Life is hard. Sickness is hard. And there are always times where we just want to throw in the towel, and give up.

But then I go back to the question I asked myself earlier. I am sure that there were times David wanted to give up. But the key is that he was a man after God's heart. When you are after God's heart, you know that giving up isn't even an option.

I think it's fine to have thoughts like this every once in a while. Sickness is hard, and there are times when we feel like we just don't want to deal with it any more. But in the end, we need to remember to go after God's heart and God's plan for our lives. If David gave up while he was in hiding, he might not have ever become king. If we give up now, we might not ever see the glorious outcome God has for us.

So today I pray that in your times of feeling weak, God gives you the strength to keep going. In your times of wanting to give up, I pray you remember God's promised you. Remember that we are human, and physical and mental pain does hurt and take a tole on us. But also remember that God is God and we need to let Him be that. Because when we let go, we forget that giving up is even an option.
With hope and love,

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